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Recreational fishing after the changes in the Bulgarian FAA - which is the most important

As you may have already understood, the Bulgarian Council of Ministers has approved a draft law amending the Bulgarian Fisheries and Aquaculture Act, as a result of which recreational fishing in the Black Sea will now be carried out only with a valid fishing permit. This aims to achieve a unified approach to all anglers.

What's new: 👉 Fishing for kids Persons under 14 years of age engage in recreational fishing only with an adult companion, holding a valid amateur fishing ticket and with no more than 1 fishing rod with up to two hooks (single or double) mounted on it. 👉 About fishing rods and new things Persons engaged in recreational fishing are obliged to use no more than 2 rods with mounted up to 2 hooks (single or double) when fishing in rivers, old riverbeds, coastal, Danube and inland lakes and swamps. 👉 How much catch can an angler keep for himself?

  1. After a one-day fishing trip, when fishing on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, they can keep up to 2 kg of trout fish, but not more than 6 pieces.

  2. On weekdays, they are obliged to release any trout caught.

  3. After a one-day fishing trip, they can retain up to 3 kg of all other fish and other aquatic organisms except for a single heavier specimen.

  4. In the case of catching frogs and crabs, they may keep up to 50 specimens of species only that are not included in Annex № 3 of the Biodiversity Act.

  5. In the case of fishing in the Black Sea, they may retain up to 5 kg of all species of fish and other aquatic organisms, except for a single specimen with a higher weight.

  6. In case of catching more than allowed, they are obliged to return the caught specimens immediately to the water, regardless of their condition.

  7. On a fishing trip lasting more than 1 day, they can keep up to 4 kg of trout and up to 6 kg for all other species of fish and other aquatic organisms, except for a single specimen of heavier weight.

  8. On a fishing trip lasting more than 1 day in the Black Sea can keep for themselves up to 10 kg for all species of fish and other aquatic organisms.

👉 Sports competitions

  1. Sports competitions for catching fish in water bodies - state property, in the period of the prohibition under Art. 30, para. 3, item 1 and / or art. 32, shall be held with the permission of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.

  2. The persons who organize sports competitions for catching fish under para. 1 shall send a notification to NAFA not later than seven calendar days before the competition.

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