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A fisherman caught 8 kilograms of pike

For the big fan of pike, Blagoy Stefanov (39) from Gornd Oryahovitsa, the icy January is obviously full of luck. We learn about the catch from SLRB, and the story can be useful for fans of pike fishing.

"On January 10 (Sunday) I went to the old Yantra riverbed near the village of Varbitsa, hoping to hit some big pike. There was a slight icing in places, but there was enough free water. In this correction, the case is rare, but trophy predators come out. That's exactly what happened to me.

It struck at 11 o'clock. I knew immediately that she was great - she showed fierce resistance. I refused to use a cap because there was no way to fit it in the frame and I pulled it to the shore with the utmost care. The pike weighed 8.3 kg. This is my personal record. I used a stopper rod with 0.45 mm fiber and a triple hook with a steel lead. She was stuck to both jaws and it took me a long time to pull the hook. My wife Krassimira Dimitrova witnessed my case. "

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